Create new Role and Database Postgresql
This is my snippet on how I started every project using postgresql
First thing first, make sure you already have postgresql client on your machine. Check with psql --version
postgres=> CREATE ROLE rolename with LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'password';
postgres=> CREATE DATABASE dbname;
postgres=> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE dbname TO rolename;
- If the psql command is not found, install using these command
- MacOS with brew
brew install libpq
brew link --force libpq
- Ubuntu
sudo apt install postgresql-client
2. Login to remote database using this command and input the master password
psql -h -U postgres
Password for user postgres:
3. Create new role with password
postgres=> CREATE ROLE rolename with LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'password';
4. To check the user/role list, use this command
postgres=> \du
5. Create new database
postgres=> CREATE DATABASE dbname;
6. Grant all privilege to the new created user so the new user will be able to create schema, table, etc.
postgres=> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE dbname TO rolename;
That’s it, now you can try to test the new user and database to do the operations.